Browse Day December 18, 2022

Mercedes GLC 300 iPad Pro 12.9” Mount

As a car enthusiast, I know how important it is to have a well-organized and functional dashboard. That’s why I’m excited to share my latest project: creating a custom 3D printed mount for my car’s existing screen.

One of the challenges of adding new accessories to your car is finding a way to integrate them seamlessly into the existing dashboard. Removing and replacing stock items can be time-consuming and costly, not to mention the risk of damaging your vehicle. That’s why I decided to design a mount that fits over the existing screen, without requiring any removal or modification of the stock items.

To create my mount, I used 3D modeling software to design a custom shape and size that fits my specific needs and preferences. The process was surprisingly easy and straightforward, and within a few hours, I had a fully-fledged 3D model ready to print.

The actual printing process took a little longer, as I had to wait for the printer to finish each layer. But the end result was worth the wait – a sleek, customized mount that fits my car’s screen perfectly and holds it securely in place.

One of the benefits of 3D printing is the ability to create customized solutions that fit your specific needs and preferences. Whether you’re a car enthusiast looking to add new accessories or a designer looking to bring your creations to life, 3D printing offers endless possibilities.

I’m excited to share my 3D printed mount with others and hope that it inspires others to try their hand at 3D printing. Once all measurements are confirmed, I’ll be sure to upload the design to share with the community. Stay tuned!

Front view of iPad mount
Rear view of iPad mount

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Kabooki Sushi The Joy of Dinner with My Wife

Last night, I had the pleasure of having dinner with my wife. It was a particularly special evening, as I had received some good news earlier in the day that left me feeling grateful and joyful.

As we sat down to enjoy our meal, I couldn’t help but feel grateful for the company of my wife and the opportunity to spend quality time together. There is something truly special about sharing a meal and conversation with the person you love.

As we talked and laughed, I couldn’t help but feel grateful for all that we have and for the joy that comes from being with someone who brings out the best in you. It was a reminder of the importance of taking the time to appreciate the little things in life and to cherish the moments we have with our loved ones.

I am thankful for my wife and for the opportunity to spend this special evening together. Here’s to many more dinners and moments of joy and gratitude.

Dinner at Kabooki tonight.

Cold Jastings

bluefin tasting

akami, chutoro, toro, fresh grated wasabi, house made tosa soy sauce


monkfish liver with chili sumiso


yukimasu, yuzu kosho, passion fruit miso, lemori zest

kanpachi tasting

amber jack, korean pear, candy kumquat, chili yuzu, maidon salt

toro tartare

sourdough bread, yuzu avocado, caviar, truffle soy

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