Villa Mairea Boards

Download PDF of Boards Here: [download id=”1″]

10 thoughts on “Villa Mairea Boards

  1. Hello!
    I am so impressed with your work. You did great. As I can see on the comments, I am an architecture student as well and I am developing a project about Villa Mairea. I was doing some sources on Internet and found your amazing work. If you don’t mind can I you send me by email this pictures? Your are a really good.

  2. Hi, I am a big fan of your work and admire your natural talent. I am currently an architecture student working on the Villa Mairea and am finding it very hard to find a good scaled plan of the site with a context key and was wondering if you could possibly email me any pictures or scaled drawings you have. Your work is by far the best I have seen on this project and It would be an honour if you could help me.


  3. Hello i am an architecture student and i am working on the analysis of Villa Mairea as well (what are the odds!). Its a very detailed and well presented analysis. I would really appreciate it if you could help me by sending me any part of your work that you can on that project. Thanks in advance!

  4. nice dude!!
    i was like doing the same analysis here.
    if possible, can you email me your boards.
    thanks in advance.

  5. Hi!
    Wow ..this is the best work on Villa Mairea i have seen on the internet so far!
    I would also really appreciate it if you could maybe email me these boards. I am doing an analysis on Villa Mairea, and I haven’t found this information anywhere else.
    Or maybe the source of information or something.
    Thank you very much!

  6. hai…good analysis.. I would really appreciate it if you could help me by sending me any part of your work that you can on that project. Thanks in advance

  7. Hi, I’m an architecture student currently working on the analysis of Villa Mairea too. I’m very impressed by your work and would appreciate if you could email me the PDF of these boards. Thanks in advance!:)

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